Out With The Old And In With The New For 2018!

Out with the Old and In with the New!  It’s a New Year and time for New Year resolutions. For most of us, our traditional holiday festivities are nearing the end. We scheduled time to party with friends, family, co-workers, distant relatives, and sometimes even perfect strangers throughout the holiday season, and who can blame us. We indulged in our favorite food, drink, caroling, and possibly other festivities like dancing and wearing shiny little hats while tooting our New Year horns. So now that the New Year has begun and we’ve had our fill of over-indulging, it should be easy to keep our well-intentioned New Year resolutions. Right?

While making New Year resolutions has become much more popular in the last century, some may not think kindly of whoever was originally responsible for the concept. Some of us dread the thought of vowing to lose weight, stop smoking, join a gym, eat healthier, stop procrastinating, get organized and the list goes on.  So let’s make resolutions that we’ll look forward to keeping. For instance, we can pledge to travel more, get more sleep, reconnect with old friends, start a hobby, spend more time with family, and our personal favorite here at Pacific Kitchens:  “Get a Makeover” . . . . . . For your kitchen, that is!  Our customers tell us that’s one resolution that’s easy to keep and that ensures many Happy New Years to come!

Happy New Year from Pacific Kitchens!